The missing toolset for your no-code projects

Unlock new possibilities for your workflows: Execute JavaScript with NPM modules, create PDFs, capture screenshots, and integrate seamlessly with platforms like Make, Zapier, Hubspot, and more.


Modules to execute JavaScript in

Other modules available in

Use our Make App to execute JavaScript directly in Make.

Make App

Other Integrations

Be inspired and use CustomJS

Generate Invoice PDF via Airtable API
Create invoice PDFs using the Airtable API without a paid plan. Pass a RecordId as a GET parameter, fetch properties, and replace Airtable data in an HTML template with Nunjucks. The HTML converts to a PDF and is returned.
Generate Email with ChatGPT
Automate email creation and sending. A CRM link generates an email body from a ChatGPT prompt with dynamic parameters. The native email client opens with the generated text.
HTML Form with Success Page
Create an interactive HTML landing page with a form. The function returns an HTML page via GET. The form submits via POST and returns a success page. The HTML is divided into a layout and partials, composed with Nunjucks.
Export Airtable as JSON
Export Airtable data as a JSON object. Linked tables are resolved, including all properties. Caching minimizes API calls, and the depth of table links can be defined.

From our blog

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no-code and workflow-tools in our blog.